Centralized Lone Worker

Ensure The Well-Being Of Lone Workers
Teldio’s Centralized Lone Worker (CLW) application allows companies to ensure the well-being of their lone workers by periodically checking in. The solution provides employees with a safeguard against unforeseen accidents, and organizations with a means for quick response to these unfortunate situations.
Indoor & Outdoor Real-Time Location Solution

Real-Time On Premise Indoor & Outdoor Employee Positioning
RTLS Indoor & Outdoor Positioning System utilizes both Bluetooth technology and standard GPS to monitor and track the location of employees throughout corporate facilities. Bluetooth beacons are strategically placed throughout indoor facilities, while GPS geo-fencing is used to monitor the outdoor areas such as parking lots, walkways and entrance roads.
Man Down Notifier

Proactive, Motion Detection Based Lone Worker Monitoring
Teldio’s Man Down Notifier (MDN) is a cost-effective and potentially lifesaving way of detecting if a worker has suffered a fall or had an accident. Utilizing the radio’s accelerometer to gauge the worker’s movements & vertical position, MDN monitors for a lack of movement, a tilt going beyond the application’s configured parameters, or a combination of both. Should an alarm be triggered, a notification is dispatched to the response groups’ mobile devices with the time & the radio ID or worker’s name.
TruFleet AVL

Integrated GPS & Indoor Tracking Solution
The TruFleet AVL solution provides Fleet operators with tools to monitor the location of their fleet in real-time as well as monitor vehicle usage and driver performance. Flexible reporting tools provide the means to evaluate and maximize the operational performance of the fleet operation.
The Trufleet AVL application also provides seamless tracking of indoor and outdoor applications. The TruFleet AVL application Supports MOTOTRBO IP Site Connect, Capacity Plus, Linked Capacity Plus and Connect Plus system configurations.
TW251 Man Down APP

Man-down APP For MOTOTRBO Option Board
The Tallysman TW251 is a software APP for MOTOTRBO™ portable radios that provides an effective Man-Down monitoring system. The TW251 APP is an important addition to worker safety programs. It provides workers in hazardous environments with a means to call for help in the event of an emergency and for automatic alarm generation in the event of a potential man down occurrence. Emergencies can be reported to directly to other portable radios, or sent to the TruFleet AVL application which displays emergency status, sound and audible alert and can automatically emails emergency status.
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